![]() ASYIQIN Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :) tagboard.
posted on Thursday, August 5, 2010 @ 6:06 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
I'm starting a new.
I had so much fun in school today. Lessons went as per normal. The excitement started after school. Went for Biology's remedial lesson. It was as per usual, had practicals. Practical was on a potato, via osmosis. I sucked in cutting the right size of potato and getting the right measurement for my potato, so i got Harold to help me. Throughout the whole lesson, i was busy talking to Lelee. Talked about these, talked about that. Practicals ended, and i waited patiently for Syahirah and Zulayha. Went to Queenstown, and slacked at our usual place. Here's the fun part. Zulayha bought her super beancurd from Mr Bean. Skipped happily to the table and chair. Sat down, opened up her beancurd's container and started eating. After a few spoonful of beancurds, she said, " Wah. Today not sway. I manage to eat without spilling any out. " Right after she said that, the WHOLE container of beancurd overturned and spilled on her skirt! Butterfingers! Met two cute boys playing the playground. Since i had the urge to play the playground, i joined them. Their names' are Ryan and Iyan. They are so so cute. How i wish i could have sons like them. Longlong way to go. Haha. Walked Sya to the busstop. Reached home at 6.15pm.I doubt the National Day Celebration in school would be a blast. Cause i overheard the rehearsal in school for the past two days, and it's really embarrassing): |