

Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :)
posted on Friday, August 6, 2010 @ 2:01 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Friday Bloops.
Graduates with Mr Refat.
Xinyu Babygirl.
Outram Clarinetists :)
^^ These are my girls, those i'm always always with :)

National Day Celebration in school was not that bad, based on friends' comments. But because of band having the farewell party for the graduating students during the National Day performane, i didn't manage to catch the performances in school. Damn-it.
Went to slack with girls at our usual spot, at Queenstown. Went back with girls to watch To Kill A Mocking Bird at my home. Yeah. Tuition later, at Jurong. Sigh.

From Mr Refat :
Thanks for the understanding and perseverane. Each and everyone's smallest of contribution played a huge part in the progress of the band. All of u welcome back anytime. Come and perform anytime. Couldn't have done it without u guys.

How sweet. It's like the very first time he's saying thanks to us. He even said , " The only time i thank students is when they are graduating. Trust me or not, i get very emotional when they leave. "
Those words are still playing in my head. It's sweet and touching! I cried. -.-


Zulayha:  im sharing asy's blog now,cause i feel like blogging(:  national day perf. was good, and asy played well during th perf(she forced me to say this)  haha. what else? farewell @ band room was good. mr refat touched our heart with his warm words. there were alot of "awwww" moments in band too! haha. right now im @ asy's HDB castle watching To Kill a Mocking Bird. Naiiisseeeeee.
toodles.amigos! (:
Syahirah: Let me start with this MORNING.. BIZ was half-hour, we played soccer with a VOLLEYBALL, CELEBRATION was gr8t! however.. we were confronted by TUK AJI, ate @ ASYIQIN'S house and "WATCHNG" to kill a mocking bird(actually we pretend to watch. asy..CAMWHORE..zul..NOT PAYING ATTENTION..miie.. just got PEED at by asyiqin's hamster!)

Asyiqin: This is why i say ; Asyiqin,Zulayha and Syahirah can't study together. Haha.
what a FRIDAY..yonder! =)

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