![]() ASYIQIN Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :) tagboard.
posted on Thursday, September 9, 2010 @ 1:25 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Went to Far East with Rosmiati to get my eyelashes. Walked around. Talked things out, both about how we're doing and about school,schoolmates. Head wrecking. -.- I'm still longing to tell Fahmmy about everything, everything about school. I think you need to know baby. So, out with you soon? :) Better takecare of yourself alright. Don't slack too much. Don't sleep too late. or you'll fall sick. i love you and only you fahmmy baby. XOXO. && SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN SEMUANYA! To you baby, Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin too! i wanna apologise for every single bad and wrong deeds that i've done to you. i know i've made alot of mistakes, i'm asking for your forgiveness now. i hope you would forgive me and spare me another chance to be with you. i love you so much. && baby, i think the only way for us to talk is through here. BLOG. BLOG BABY BLOG! Hugs&Kisses. |