![]() ASYIQIN Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :) tagboard.
posted on Friday, August 27, 2010 @ 1:54 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Break down.
Gosh, this blog has been dead for quite some time. Thought someone would help me to update, but it doesn't seem to go that way. Where are you? Hmmpft. My days had been really busy. I've been staying up in school till six every single day to have additional lessons with teachers. Tedious. My schedule's now packed like hell. All i could possibly do now is to study, study and study. Had most of my Prelim papers done. And i'm upset because i know i've not put in my best. I didn't actually finish up all the papers on time. How terrible. National Examination's in two months time, and now i'm still struggling with my fundamentals. I know now's not the right time to give up and leave. Nomatter what i still have to pull myself through this mess. I'm tired. I'm sick and tired. I need help. Where are you when i needed you the most? |