![]() ASYIQIN Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :) tagboard.
posted on Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 7:09 PM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Suweeeeeet :))
Yesterday was busy. Sent and fetched little brother from Mendaki at Jurong. Met Alias. Okay hey Alias, thanks for the necklace(: Then met Sya, and we went to Geylang. I bought Upin ^^ ! So cute right. With me carrying the Upin around got myself into great disturbance. I tempted the small kids. Got disturbed by strangers-.- Bumped into Zul and friends. Didn't really bother much. I ignored and walked away. Then met him again when I was in Mac. So yeah, exchanged words and smiles, and then i left. Haha. Walked through the bazaar. It was packed. But i enjoyed the atmosphere at night there. Everyone were like squeezing their ways through and you could see the enthusiasm in the people when they were choosing and shouting over to get the attention of the salesperson. It was awesome! Really. While walking, met Farhan. And then met Ajul. Such a coincidence. I bought accesories. Very pretty :)) Then met Fariz and Daniyal ^^ Slacked, walked around and then headed home at eleven thirty :) My plan for yesterday was to meet Fahmmy, but.. Not in contact and it was tough to get him through. I hope you're doing fine down there. Miss you. Alias : Thanks once again for the surprise. I love it muchmuch. (: Zul : If there's a will, there's a way for us to meet again. Takecare (: Sunday: I'm gonna spend my morning at home studying and will be going to Geylang again with mummy, and elder brother and cousins to get more accesories (: Excited! Happy! :D |