![]() ASYIQIN Heyhello. My name's Asyiqin. I'm sixteen this year, schooling in Outram Secondary School and will be sitting for my O'levels this year end. Do tag once you've read this. :D Email for MSN/TAGGED/FB/ : && I'm taken. Thank you :) tagboard.
posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 @ 7:51 PM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
posted on @ 7:42 PM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
I'm tired of being sick and tired. I hate to see your face in school, girl. Really. I hate to see your damn face. It really disgust me. -.- To Zulayha, Get well soon Bayyybeeeeeyyyy :D I love you! Fahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmyfahmmy<3 posted on Sunday, August 29, 2010 @ 6:44 PM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Monday: I've no school today. It's Prelims period now, and i've got no papers today, so i'm able to stay at home :) I'm not going to school tomorrow. It's only teacher's day's celebration. I bet it's gonna be boring. My school has never organised exciting celebrations before. -.- Pathetic. And Wednesday's a holiday. So yeah, three days of holidays for me this week. But i still have got to study though. Mathematics paper two's on thursday and science paper one's on friday. The outmost hatred subjects in my life! ^^. Will be going to Vivo later. posted on Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 7:09 PM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Suweeeeeet :))
Yesterday was busy. Sent and fetched little brother from Mendaki at Jurong. Met Alias. Okay hey Alias, thanks for the necklace(: Then met Sya, and we went to Geylang. I bought Upin ^^ ! So cute right. With me carrying the Upin around got myself into great disturbance. I tempted the small kids. Got disturbed by strangers-.- Bumped into Zul and friends. Didn't really bother much. I ignored and walked away. Then met him again when I was in Mac. So yeah, exchanged words and smiles, and then i left. Haha. Walked through the bazaar. It was packed. But i enjoyed the atmosphere at night there. Everyone were like squeezing their ways through and you could see the enthusiasm in the people when they were choosing and shouting over to get the attention of the salesperson. It was awesome! Really. While walking, met Farhan. And then met Ajul. Such a coincidence. I bought accesories. Very pretty :)) Then met Fariz and Daniyal ^^ Slacked, walked around and then headed home at eleven thirty :) My plan for yesterday was to meet Fahmmy, but.. Not in contact and it was tough to get him through. I hope you're doing fine down there. Miss you. Alias : Thanks once again for the surprise. I love it muchmuch. (: Zul : If there's a will, there's a way for us to meet again. Takecare (: Sunday: I'm gonna spend my morning at home studying and will be going to Geylang again with mummy, and elder brother and cousins to get more accesories (: Excited! Happy! :D posted on Friday, August 27, 2010 @ 2:07 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
I am really going to miss you guys. Practise hard for your coming Singapore Youth Festival babies. I will drop by soon when i'm free.posted on @ 1:54 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Break down.
Gosh, this blog has been dead for quite some time. Thought someone would help me to update, but it doesn't seem to go that way. Where are you? Hmmpft. My days had been really busy. I've been staying up in school till six every single day to have additional lessons with teachers. Tedious. My schedule's now packed like hell. All i could possibly do now is to study, study and study. Had most of my Prelim papers done. And i'm upset because i know i've not put in my best. I didn't actually finish up all the papers on time. How terrible. National Examination's in two months time, and now i'm still struggling with my fundamentals. I know now's not the right time to give up and leave. Nomatter what i still have to pull myself through this mess. I'm tired. I'm sick and tired. I need help. Where are you when i needed you the most? posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 @ 5:57 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Girl, please talk sense to yourself. Please grow up. And please please please be remorseful for what you've done to me, my friends, your friends. Thanks for everything. All the memories you've shared with me, us. I trusted you so much when i was thirteen,fourteen. You were like the second best girl i thought i've met and had at that point of time. Till when i lose my phone.. And got to know that you're the culprit. Confronted you, and bloody hell you scold vulgarities to my mum. Complaint this matter to Cikgu Hazlan, and he shut me off by saying, " Saya tak percaya Umi buat begitu. " and then he walked off. I knew why he did that to me. It was all thanks to you for spreading rumours about me. Buat fitnah pasal aku. Cakap aku gini, aku gitu. Cakap aku nak rampas matair kau semua. Eh cb, sejak bila siol? Kau pikir satu Singapore ada satu lelaki je pe? Kau bilang semua orang yang aku ni gini, aku ni gitu, sampai semua orang tak suka aku. Baik. Since i knew that i was blacklisted in everyone's list, including Cikgu's, i kept cool and moved on. Day by day, i started to forget about my phone incident and got back in good terms with you. Then, again, you made up stories about me. Telling everyone that i hate this person, i bitched about that person, i did this, i did that. I couldn't stand it, so i left the malay clique. After me, it was Atiqah's turn. You stole her money when we were at Kampong Lonek, and pretended like nothing happened. After Atiqah, it was Syahirah's phone during the fasting month last year. Then it was Syahirah's fifty bucks during her birthday. And after Syahirah, it was Rosmiati's wallet. Bloody hell. What on earth is your problem?! You're a girl from a sightly above average family. You get whatever you want. Your brothers give you whatever you want,whatever you need. As for us, we need to work for what we want. We're not like you. Our lifes' not as easy as yours. So why do you target us? Especially me, when i've been extremely nice to you? That's not what you've only done. You bitched like nobody's business too. In front of me, you bitched about Atiqah. In front of Atiqah,you bitched about me. In front of someone, you bitched about someone else. You even created stories! Buat fitnah pasal aku, Atiqah,Hamzah,Fitri,Syahirah,Rosmiati. I bet there's more people you've backstabbed. Especially when it comes to me, you bitched about me until everyone hated me at this one point of time. But i didn't give a damn. I still remembered you saying to me, " Kau jalan pun cantik. Orang sume tak suke kau. Satu orang jalan, kite budak melayu masih boleh tahan. " Cakap besar ye. What happened just now was just the beginning. Memang padan muke kau kene tegur dengan Fitri sampai kau malu depan kita. Kau pikir kau 17, kau besar ah? Dah kakakkakak, pikir boleh memperbodohbodohkan kita yang 16 ni semua ah? Kenape lah kau ni jahat sangat? Keluarga kau semua baikbaik, kau je perangai macam setan. Kau curik phone Syahirah time bulan puase last year kan, ah ni kau amik. Bulan puase this year kau kene balasan. And this is just the beginning ah. Kau nak dengkidengki dengan aku kan, nak dengkidengki dengan semua orang kan? Amik kau obat. Now everyone knows your flaws, your mistakes. Not to say everyone, but all the budakbudak melayu upper sec dah tahu. That's a good thing actually, because you still have got the lower sec punye budakbudak untuk kau buat pakai like how kau buat pakai kite. Kau suke orang respect kau, panggil kau 'kakak' ni semua kan. Budakbudak lower sec ade. Don't worry. I seriously hope that you'll get retribution from Allah soon for all the bad deeds you've done to all of us. Lagilagi dalam bulan yang suci ini. Harapharap kau diberi balasan yang setimpal dengan apa yang telah kau lakukan. posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 @ 7:42 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
I'm very very sorry for what i've done to you. I was lost and i was desperate indeed. I was lacking of attention and i thought what i did would make me feel better, but in fact it worsen everything. I know i've taken advantage of you, and i've played on you. I really didn't mean to or even planned to. It was because i was desperate, yes i was desperate. I admit i was desperate. I really hope that you could and would forgive me for my deeds and start a new. I know it's not easy but i hope that you could give me another chance. You're very important to me. After what that had happened, i finally realised and felt how important you are to me. Without you, i feel useless, i feel lonely. I'm very sorry for disappointing you much. I'm very very sorry for putting you through much misery. I know i've breached the trust that you've held in me, and i'm truly sorry for that. I know that now you're incertain of my words and not really having much trust in me. As to what you always say, " Actions speak louder than words." I promise i would try my very best to prove to you that i'm really into you and that you're my only one. I would cherish and treasure you. Provide you with love and care. Always be by your side and taking care of you. I love you so much Redhza Fahmmy. Again, i'm sorry. posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @ 7:13 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Am i that bad?
I'm confused. I'm frustrated. I'm irritated. I 'm breaking down. I need someone. I really need someone to be by my side now. I'm really in need. Members that i thought could and would always be there for me are just treating me like as if i don't exist in this world. I'm pissed. I've broke one's heart,and now i feel useless. Oh god. posted on @ 6:35 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
Misery lasted, Fantasy ended, Friendship still strong.
I really don't feel good right now. I really feel guilty after what I've done and said to Fahmmy. Fahmmy, i know it's not right for me to treat you that way, but.. I don't know. I'm just stupid. Alias was supposed to fetch me from tuition, as promised, but he didn't. He was busy sleeping at home. But he managed to get to my place before i actually reached home. How possible. I told him everything about what happened and he comforted me. He provide me a shoulder to cry on, when i didn't even expect myself to be crying infront of him. I treat him real good. He's like a brother to me. Thanks for the rides to school and back home, Alias. (: And to you, i know i've dissappointed you badly this time. I know that it's my fault, and that you don't deserve to be treated this way. I'm sorry. My bet. I hope that you wouldn't give up on me because you still stand a place in my heart. Really. Take your time to trust me, boy. I wouldn't mind. I've yet to concentrate on my O'levels right now. You've got the whole lot of time to think and figure about this. I wouldn't paster you. I wouldn't provide you with false hope anymore, i promise. I would be myself, and be like how i used to be when we just got to know each other. I really really mean it this time round. It's all up to you now. Suit yourself. <3 posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 @ 6:06 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
I need you now.
I spent my whole afternoon at home today, cleaning up my house and making my room look neat and tidy. Went to meet my friends later this evening to catch a takraw match at Redhill. It was not that bad. -.-I've got a confession to make. I want to say that i miss Syibluddin alot. I really do. )': posted on Monday, August 9, 2010 @ 7:44 AM | 0 comment(s) // add a comment. | back to the top.
National Day.
Spent my National Day with my family at Marina Barrage. The weather was humid, but cool after some time. It was packed, of course, but it was enjoyable. Crowds everywhere, having the spirit of being united. It was fun. Really. Basically the hit of today was kite-flying. That's like the bestest and most best thing that went on earlier. All those who were flying their kites were all in full enthusiasm. With their faces, facial expressions. They looked funny. I snapped afew of their pictures, but i don't want to be so bad to post it up here. While people in the Parade area were cheering for the performances, us at Marina Barrage were cheering for the kites that got cut and went down into the sea. It was damn funny. Everyone were like going 'Ohhhhhhhhhhh~ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrggghhhh~ ! ' It was awesome. Free pins were given out too. Due to it being free, we, the kiasu Singaporeans took advantage of it being free and took bags and bags of it. And yes, i admit that i'm one of them who took a bag. (: Went into the Museum. It was pretty. Very beautiful. With all the information backgrounds of how Singapore got upgraded and the histories of Singapore. It was nice. I swear. Check out the pretty fireworks. I tried to fly my kite, but failed. Thank god some guy came to help me out. His name's Aqeel. I don't know who. But yeah, just a typical guy from nowhere. He's a dimple guy indeed. (: And wish you readers an awesome National Day :) |